
By Jacki Haworth, Clinical Intern Boundaries are protective barriers that people set to protect themselves from harm. Those boundaries can be physical boundaries, emotional boundaries and time boundaries to name a few. Boundaries are important for an individual’s...

Nature or Nurture

By: Kaleigh Nobbe, Clinical Intern   It’s a question that we’ve heard repeated time and time again, and it continues to be asked: nature or nurture? There are those who are more emotionally sensitive – quick to react or cry or anger – or maybe they’re slow to...

Managing Overwhelming Stress

By Jacki Haworth, Clinical Intern Stress can be helpful and harmful, due to the varying degrees of stress that people can experience. Stress can sometimes be helpful when it is small amounts of stress that can motivate you to complete tasks. But stress can also become...

Are You Willing?

By: Kaleigh Nobbe, Clinical Intern There is a large difference between being willing and willful, especially when we consider how this impacts our daily lives. A willing person is prepared to act without being forced and is mindful about how they engage with the...

Why Therapy is like Climbing a Mountain Part One

Why Therapy is like Climbing a Mountain Part One   By Jacki Haworth, Clinical Intern   Therapy can seem to be a daunting task at first. A person who is virtually a stranger is asking you to trust them and their ability to support you, to help you on a...

The Basics of Burnout

By Jacki Haworth, Clinical Intern   Burnout is caused by having an elevated stress level for a prolonged period of time. This is the reason that burnout can in some ways sneak up on people. Burnout is when a person has such an exposure to stress that things or...