By: Sydney Schertzer
Did you know September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month?!
Suicide is often a topic people avoid discussing. However, it is a very important and relevant topic to discuss. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people ranging in the ages of 15-25 and the third leading cause of death in the united states. Mostly, when people decide to commit suicide it is not because they want to die but rather to end all the pain and suffering the internally endure on a daily basis, and they see no other option. If we continue to avoid discussing this issue it can never be resolved. If a family member or loved one suffers from mental illness or has a sudden change in mood or behavior, reach out.
Warning signs of possible suicidal thoughts or actions may include:
- Constant mood swings
- Lost interest in previously loved hobbies or activities
- Irritable or consistently sad
- Notes, drawings, or letters related to suicide
- Loss of friends
- Partaking in risky behaviors such as drug use
- Isolates themselves
- Makes jokes about committing suicide
- Starts giving away valued items
- Has trouble showing affection
- Cuts themselves or does other forms of self-harm
- Constantly talking about wanting to end their pain or saying how no one would miss them if they were gone
It is important to make sure a suicidal person is not left alone and seeks help. They may think they have things under control, but they do not, they need assistance and it can be as simple as offering yourself to be there if they need to talk. Make sure they do not feel alone and help them find the professional help that they need.
If you, or someone you know, is struggling, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of the staff at O&A, the Suicide Prevention Hotline, or your county’s crisis line listed below! #BeHereTomorrow #YouMatter
McHenry County Crisis Line: 800-892-8900
DuPage County: 630-627-1700
Elgin Community Crisis Center: 847-697-2380
Kane County: 630-482-9696