New Year Resolutions and Eating Habits

By: Kaleigh Nobbe, LPC, NCC


We are well into the new year now which is typically a time where we see friends, family, and maybe even ourselves start to become more relaxed with our new year resolutions. Common resolutions I see are to eat right, work out more, get in shape, or to improve physical appearance. What we don’t always recognize is the danger, physically and mentally, we introduce to our routine when these are the goals set in place as they can lead to disordered eating patterns.


Realistic goals are important and there may be helpful ways to make your goals more attainable. If we focus on the italicized words from above (right, more, in shape, and improve), we can recognize that those words are subjective. Instead, let’s focus on reachable goals that care for our wellbeing without as much risk of slipping into dangerous eating habits. Some ideas may include:

  • Commitment to meet with a therapist weekly to care for underlying barriers to mental and physical wellbeing.
    • High levels of prolonged stress may be contributing to weight gain due to imbalances in cortisol and adrenaline.

  • Commitment to meet with a nutritionist in ensuring a balanced diet for your lifestyle.
    • These professionals are trained to navigate allergies, sensitivities, weight fluctuation, self-image, and overall nutritional understanding.

  • Walking to the mailbox daily.
    • Small tasks can help us build to our more specific end goals. If you plan to go hiking over your next vacation, it may start with climbing your driveway until you no longer feel out of breath. Afterwards, we take the next steps to build mastery and longevity. Expectations of going to the gym and running a mile every day may not possible and can lead to feelings of defeat.



For more information on how resolutions can trigger eating disorders, click here.


Find out how we can help set realistic goals, manage stress, and assist in your life satisfaction.

Call Owens & Associates today at 847-854-4333 to schedule and intake.