How to Survive the Last Weeks of School

By Hannah Garratt, MA, NCE Pending 

The time you’ve desperately been waiting for is almost here – SUMMER! But you still have a
few days left. Here are a couple things you can do to not just survive, but thrive in those last
weeks of school.

1. Keep on your schedule. Make a to-do-list so you are able to keep everything in order! It
can be easy to start relaxing early, but it’ll minimize stress to keep to your schedule.

2. Take care of yourself. Make sure you are eating, hydrating and sleeping well. All these
things will boost your energy levels and give you that final push you need to finish the
year strong.

3. Hang up a countdown calendar or something that represents the days you have left—
being able to see the days dwindle will help motivate you to get to the final date.

4. Look forward to all the end of the year festivities such as, assemblies, field days, class
parties and soak up the time that you have with your friends.

5. As we approach the end of the year, it tends to get a little warmer—enjoy the sunshine
and get outside during school and after school!

These are just a few tips to help push you forward into a time of warmth and relaxation this
summer! You’ve got this!

 We are here to support you!  

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