Who is losing weight for the new year?  Quitting sugar?  Doing a full body cleanse and eight day yoga challenge?  Joining an iron man competition?
Do not worry if you are not doing any of those things!  I am not here to push them!  If you are doing any of those things, that is great!  Keep gong!  I am going to also propose something a little gentler, more satisfying, a deeper healing, if you will.
What if the one thing that you could bring with you into the new year was the knowing deep in your soul that there is no need to worry?  I have spoken/written in my previous blogs on my personal website (elizabethcermak.com if you want to catch up) about how to give up trying to control an outcome.
Think of something you are trying to control.  That’s it!  The first thing that came to your mind is what you are trying to control!  What if you knew that there was no need to worry about the outcome of that situation?  What if you were able to give it up to God/The Universe/Goddess/Love (whatever you want to call your spiritual connection) knowing that Love is the ultimate will here, and Love will ultimately prevail.
Last week, on my blog (or you can find it on my Youtube Channel, Your Highest Light – Elizabeth Cermak)  I spoke of the A Course in Miracles Lesson, “There is no conflict, for my will is Yours.”  Yours means God/Love/The Universe.  This means that ultimately you can give up the struggle, because there is no will conflicting yours.  The sky is your limit.
Our brains are programed to remember the bad, the struggle, the negatives.  It is not natural for many of us to be happy or to not feel that struggle.  But what if you knew that feeling that struggle was a choice?  That would mean you could choose to feel something else.
Deciding to no longer feel the struggle does not mean you give up on your dreams.  Quite the opposite!  It means you go for your dreams!  But you go for them with a different, more sustainable, energy.  You go for your dreams while appreciating the present moment and all it has to offer.  The miracle can only be found in the present moment.  You go for your dreams knowing that this awesome universe is here to support you.
Try starting 2018 by keeping track of evidence that The Universe is supporting you.  Play with the energy of it all.  Make it a game.  When you start to truly listen to what your heart desires, do you notice more synchronicities in your life?  Do you see license plates that speak to you?  Do you see triple numbers like 111 or 777?  These are all signs that The Universe is speaking to you.  These signs are telling you The Universe is supporting you.  You can honestly accomplish whatever your heart desires.  When you start to listen to your heart, The Universe will notice and respond.  Start keeping a journal of evidence The Universe is responding.
“I know The Universe is guiding me, because of the comfort I can feel at any moment.  I know there is a presence greater than me leading me toward my highest love.  The energy is comforting and expanding all at once.  This energy gives me the freedom to take chances and know that The Universe will always have my back.”
The above statement is my own personal faith statement.  You can find the steps I used to write my faith statement (and write your own) in Gabby Bernstein’s book, The Universe Has Your Back.  I am going to challenge you to start your new year with a serious spiritual practice.  Find your alignment.  Get connected.  The sky is your limit if you do.  It is so exciting!
If you need any books recommendations, please contact me!  
Peace, Love, and Happy New Year!
Elizabeth Cermak, LCPC, NCC,